About Us

Run by Installers, for Installers

EViJobs, a new venture by the UK EV Installers brand, offers a simple and effective job site for EV and renewable professionals.

Though more recently I’ve been heavily engaged in the EV and renewable energy industry, I started my working life in the professional recruitment industry, eventually holding leadership positions with international staffing businesses.

EViJobs is therefore an exciting business for me, combining over 30 years of working experience in providing a simple and effective jobs site, or EV and renewable professionals.

Our low-cost subscription packages offer incredible value for larger clients, while smaller firms can benefit from single job adverts to achieve their growth objectives.

Join the UK EV Installers community and take advantage of our resources and network to advance your career in the renewable installation sector.

Thanks for visiting EViJobs!
James Harding UK EV Installers

James Harding | UK EV Installers

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